Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Programming with a side of Cow Munchies.

Hey there fellow classmates! :D
What we did today was continue on our lovely Cow Pie game, in which you..er..hunt a cow's sweet droppings for the day. The game is kind of like a super simple version of mind sweeper, all you have to do is guess a row and column, and hopefully, in this case, you find Winne the "Pooh" . Also, some of us, including me >.<, had a little trouble with the Random class, so here's how to do it: (you can also look online at http://web.aprchs.net/jacoby/mj2x_2011).

1) Import the the Random class, java.util.Random
2) Construct a new Random generator, Random generator = new Random();
3) make number generators for int pieRow & pieCol,
int pieRow=generator.nextInt(ROWS);

same for pieCol, just use COLS.

The link to the code is at the bottom of the blog. Us super and awesomely smart children have to revise certain parts of the "Hunt Cow Pie" code the J - Man left for us, which is due tomorrow. So have fun finishing the rest of the code, and goodnight!

link to code:

P.S. Don't forget to vote in the poll so we can decide which pd. to use it! //...vote for pd. 7 >:D, jk
link to poll --> http://web.aprchs.net/jacoby/mj2x_2011/newpollcomputerlabtime

P.S.S Remember to study for the exam on, Thursday! <(^_^)>

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