Monday, March 7, 2011

Look at that, test review (And random Tidbits of stuff from Fern :D )

Happy Monday guys (Even though its almost Tuesday, being that its 10pm already)
Well today in class, we really only did test review and some GridWorld code for DancingBug
While going through the DancingBug code, one important thing was brought up (In my opinion) which I would like to bring up again:
(Can be done according to Mr. Jacoby, but is somewhat difficult)

Okay, done with Dancing Bug (Free flowing thought: Does anyone else notice how useless the ay in okay actually is? If its not there, it still sounds the same)

Now on to our test review.

Personally, I believed his test was difficult, but thats what our test reviews are for right?

In class, for our test review, we went over all the questions, but discussed questions 1, 6, 8 and all after (Made me notice how bad I did :p )

Questions 2,3,4,5, and 7 were all discussed "Carousel Style" By our own Julio, Omar, Shakira, and Alfredo (Good Job on getting you respective questions right guys)

The interesting question though, was number 11, which had a bug
It asked what would happen when (arr[i] > 0) instead of when (arr[i] <= 0)
(Or was it (arr[i] <= 0)? See now I don't remember)
We were all given credit though, and those who gave a reason as to why it was buggy/incorrect were given bonus points

To end this blog post, I have two announcements to make, which should be known, since we were already told in class, BUT:
1. To those who want to expand on Omar's blog post about REACH on Saturday, e-mail or speak to Mr. Jacoby
2. Do your CodingBat assignments. Not only do they count as homework, they are a great way to study for our UPCOMING EXAM ON THURSDAY!

Thats all, and a random quote for you guys:

Remember, even a blind squirrel is right twice a day (Still don't know what this means)

Have a good day folks (:

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