Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Test Review 2 plus some Blogspot fail

Well i started about, um an hours ago, and i was trying to post cause it was my turn. So basically i ended using Fern's account to post what i thought i learned today. -SANTIAGO!!!

Firstly, today was super brief (lucky me) and we were refreshed on how an ArrayList works.
for example in ArrayList named List... Do you know what
List.add(x) means?

Well cause ArrayLists are more "Complex" than regular arrays so they have many different codes that remove and add variables to the Array.

Of wait getting ahead of myself now :)
List.add(x) meant that in the ArrayList of List , x was added/implemented to the end of the list. Although Mr.Jacoby didnt further explain this, to the end of the ArrayList did not mean it would literally go to the "end" but to the next space after a variable, if there was no variable inputted and x was the first, then it would be in the first.

Seems vague but most things are.

We were also refreshed on how to add a variable to an index in the ArrayList the code would be the same, a code demonstration would work out better...

List.add(1,5) <=This implements the second indeces, as we have to start counting by one, with the variable 5.

One thing what we have to keep in mind is that when an index is already being used and you add another variable to that indeces using this code, the remainder is shifted up the ArrayList.

List.add(1,3) <=the ArrayList will automatically shift the 7,4,1 up and the new array will be List{5,3,7,4,1}.

I NEED to finish off as I'm scared my blog will, or is taking up the webspace xD.
Extra notes>>>>>>>[ ] brackets means what you're declaring is an array,and ArrayList get larger by copying their current variables into a larger arraylist so the ArrayList space is endless and I'm guessing this wasn't so brief after all...-SANTIAGO

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